PRO TRADE PROGRAM | Flame Authority
Business customers who want custom pricing, volume discounts, and fast service can benefit from our PRO program.

Pro members receive personal service from a dedicated PRO Account manager, special Pro pricing, and the greatest product variety. In addition to other benefits and rewards, you can also get help placing an order or answering a question promptly. Contact a Pro rep now: 1-800-923-4556 or

Pro-only pricing and special discounts enable you to purchase more and save more. Maintain direct phone and email access to a professional you can trust for support on everything from product information to setup tips. FREE design and rendering services are available on all products. BBQs, firepits, outdoor patio furniture, and outdoor accessories are all available.

This Program is for Architects, Interior Designers, Builders, Contractors, Landscapers, Hotels, Restaurants, and Commercial Spaces.


We are a Plumbing Supply company, we do not usually provide firepits for jobs but we might as well give it a try. We have reached out to many companies but only Jim and Flame Authority team had helped us through it all, took 3 weeks to build a whole firepit for our customer, their team worked closely with our GC's and managers to ensure all required firepit materials are in. They promised a 14 business days shipping times but to our surprise took only 10 days to deliver, they go above and beyond for this project. If we get another one of this job, Flame Authority is definitely our GO TO.

Franklin J. Hutchison
Phenix City, Alabama

This Team will not let you down, my team is one of the first they accept in this program and there's no looking back, we have an exclusive access and information to units which are yet to be launched in the market which gives us an edge when it comes to sale and really boosts our clients trust ratings because of this. I really liked how they'll work with you hand in hand until the realization of your project.

Ruth W. Banks

Easy and convenient for us, I had a gazebo project and Jim which I am in constant communication all throughout this project suggested me the appropriate heaters, installation plan and number of heaters and accessories I need to make this project safe and successful for our client

David E. Brown
Berea, Kentucky